Chapter 1 

In The Imaginary Land of One's Birth

Oh intimacy, where did you go? I tasted your wonderful fruits and then sought out the most airless planet filled with voices dragging weary spirits to open graves.

It started when I saw the packaging of intimacy in the market. Why would I want my intimacy taken from me to serve some commodity mad culture? Intimacy itself had made me realize how disfigured human nature had become.

I think it is a grave mistake to try and capture the general culture. No! Leave that terrible zone of power and control and return to the intimate.

Intimacy brings us worlds but, as well, takes away worlds. I have left some brilliant shadow plays on the walls of youth. But then, intimacy proves that attitude is all; attitude determines whether we love or kill. Attitude determines the intimacy of the citizen as well as the lover.

When the woman finally realizes that pleasure can be given as well as taken, ah! a change appears in her eyes. Why use words to open the bitter and lovely fruit? Why not wild gestures and the laughter of the body?

David Eide
January 24, 2014