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Since the first ambition I had for publishing was on a platform like this I've listed many efforts over the years. There's nothing to hide. A few I am, if not ashamed of, wary of. "Oh brother, you can do so much better!" But then we are human aren't we. I didn't view poetry as "entertainment" exactly but it has to enact well. That's all I insisted on and I didn't follow any proscribed way


Picturing the Obscure Murder in the Meadow:1857

The Perfect Road

My Ocean


Maturing Poems

Wine Poems

2 New Poems

3 New Poems [anytime you see the Laughing Sun Ball click on it if you want to return to the poetry page.}

1975 - 1989


A Love Ditty

The season, ripe for love, waits now for the coming of youth.

They emerge down the side of a hill and disappear, between rocks, to a boat that is slipped on the embankment of a magical stream.

Their families are against them. The mother wails every evening and calls talk shows to complain about "young people today."


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At a delicate point one says, "simply be yourself and project hard into the work and tell everything else to go to hell."

What was the beginning? The myth born out of terror and the modern world. Despair out of a loveless, poetless, terrible world.

Then moving through books, persons, cities, ideas, and diversions to a clearing.

In the clearing was fundament, in the clearing was God- the fulfillment of what had been thwarted at the beginning

It ends upwardly, a prong into the future.

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The weapon was archetypal in this sense: it demonstrated the ease in destroying in a second what had been so difficult to build up over long stretches of time. That people and groups who have played out this side of the archetype are not trustworthy, whether they have explosives or theories.

The spacecraft was archetypal in this sense: It demonstrated the ability to leave the hide-bound and suddenly penetrate the infinitude of the universe which both mocks humans but empowers them as well to "have patience, build from the pressures of heat and gravity"

The computer was central to the operation of both.

In society it was lengthening out the phases of development so that one could absorb the complexity and not become cynical to liberal democracy. It was the art of not projecting into people but letting them manifest whoever they were.

The first influence is not necessarily the last influence. The taking on and dropping off influences is one of the keys to growth and development.

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